Tag Archives: customer avatar

Four Questions You Should Be Asking About Every Single One Of Your Customers

“What Are The Four Types Of Questions You Should Be Asking About Each and Every Single One Of Your Customers?”

Listen, do you want an insider secret comparable to turning lead into pure GOLD and solve one of your greatest problem?

Okay, before we dive into this powerful breakthrough approach…

What you need to know is there are also four common mistakes.

FOUR that must be avoided at all costs!

Yes! There’s a “secret” to get the best buyers…

That multiplies sales by up to 600%, maybe even more!

Keep reading every word if you feel thats a bold statement…

Where can you find the best ideas for your ads?

Dear Business Owner,

Did you want the magic trick that transforms you into genius?

Right now I want your full focus…

Please pay very close attention to what I’m about to reveal.

Do you know the core motives that make people buy from you!

Would you agree…

The more you know about your customers…

The more your business works for you…would you agree?

But most business owners and marketers are LAZY…

Lazy in their research and targeting.

You see, most people going into business…

They think they can hang a shingle.

And they’re going to make it BIG.

Like magical people are going to “discover” what they’ve got for sale.

And lots of people are going to flock to you like a moth to a flame.

Admit it…

You thought online business was going to be easier than it is, right?

Didn’t you?

Well, I certainly did…

Do you think your products or services are for everyone?

So you can be lazy and target an audience that is “nice and broad.”

Do you think “the potential market is everyone in America?”


“Everyone will want this product.”

Allow me to explain…

Here’s the problem with wishful thinking…

When you don’t define in super specific detail…

Who your product or service is for…

Your marketing to no one.

And your message to market is non relevant and boring.

Yep, everything about it is lackluster.

And worst of all…

Totally ineffective.

For example…

Have you ever run ads?

Done a JV campaign?

Launches any type of product and it flopped?

It’s easy to blame it on whatever ad platform you’re using…

It’s easy to think the traffic coming from your affiliates…sucks.

What if your message doesn’t speak directly to your audience?

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Creating a successful campaign…

It is more about how you target your audience than your ad.

If the message to market match isn’t solving the problem.

Like in near-intimate detail…

It means you’re not going to have a winner.

And poor copy is a primarily a problem of poor targeting…

What if you want to a winner?

Let’s face it… who doesn’t?

Okay, you’ve got to know who you’re targeting and talking to.

And I mean REALLY know who you’re talking to…

You’re not just selling something…

You’re building a relationship.

And just like your real, live, in-person relationships…

Your customer relationships requires you to actually go through the steps of getting to know the person you’re actually talking to.

There are FOUR types of questions you should always be asking…

You can be asking these four questions about your target market.


Because it’s like a table or a stool…

If one of the legs is shorter than others…

The damn thing is gonna get a bit wonky and wobbly.

Question Type 1

Who are your target market?

Simply, this is the basis of your customer avatar.

An avatar is a customer profile.

You’re getting to know your customer DEMOGRAPHICALLY.

Important note: This information is the basic targeting steps, so while it’s the right place to start, there’s a lot more after this…

You gotta understand this because paying for traffic isn’t going to work for you…

Most people tend to stop here because that’s all we need to get our ads live.

But diving deeper is going to show you the hidden motivation…

The “what’s in it for me” ad this is relevant to me…

That magic behind the clicks which turns traffic into hot leads…

And leads into buyers (than you very much haha)

When you get to know someone demographically…

You’re figuring out…




Income level


Marital status of your customer.

This can go further if you’re targeting business owners.

Knowing their industry and their specific job title is important!

And while you’re at it…

You can see and find out more about their company’s income, location and number of employees (hint, hint).

Here’s why this is important…

What if you know this level of information?

You can see what your group looks like.

You’re getting a defined picture in your head of who this person is…

And even what they might physically look like.

You can see your customer as an individual…

Instead of a faceless person on other side of PC or mobile device buying your stuff.

Consider this: According to the State of Content Marketing Report in 2015, 90% of consumers find relevant and custom content useful.

Question Type 2:

What your target audience like and dislike…

This is called market research and digging a little deeper into their habits and likes.

You put a face to the data and get to know your audience SOCIALLY.

Think about this in context to what your friends know about you…

They know what kind of car you drive…

Whether you own or rent your home…

If you’re a dog or a cat person…

Where you spend your vacations…

How many kids you have…

What kind of movies get you excited…

Your favorite band…

How you spend your weekend…

You get the picture, the list goes on and on.

You might be thinking…

How the heck is all this gonna help?

Why wouldn’t you want this information about your customers?

Yes, you sell widgets…

And all this crap has nothing to do with movies or vacations…

Who cares or wants to know the kind of life your customers lead.

Here’s why this is crucial…

This information (call it data) helps you get to know what your customers care about.

So you can connect with them on a much deeper social level.

Everyone’s telling you to put your personality in your marketing…

Well, you’ve gotta remember that it’s not all about you.

In fact, stop and let that sink in for a while…

Unbounce has a case study where small tweaks to a landing page…

They added more intimate details about their customers…

This contributed to 1250% conversion INCREASE.

Who’s laughing all the way to the bank?

How do your customers communicate with you…

Your customers probably aren’t real responsive right?

So, what else can you do that ACTUALLY works?

Simply click here to get your free report “The 7 Biggest Most Costly Mistakes When Starting Your Online Business!”

Question Type 3…

How do your audience interact with YOU!

The relationship BEGINS with the sale and this is correct.

Many people talk about it in terms of dating…

When someone signs up for your lead magnet…

They’ve winked at you and said they like what they see!

And they want to know more…

When they interact with your content…

Read your emails…

And click through to your sales pages…

Well, that’s them getting to know you.

And when they buy…

They’re saying YES to the first “date”.

Of course, you’re not married yet.

And it’s not over.

It’s just beginning 🙂

Question type 3 is all about building relationships.

After all, you want to get more customers…

It’s good to know what your current customers do, right?

We’re getting to know them RELATIONALLY.

The big goal here is to help you determine who your BUYERS are.

You want to eliminate the tyre kickers who just follow your stuff.

See if you can answer the questions about your best customers:

How did you find them (or how did they find you)?

Do they interact with your social media?

Do they share your Tweets, Photos, Videos or Statuses?

Have they given you a testimonial?

Have they commented on your blog?

Have they left your business a review on a review site?

Did they purchase in person or online or both?

Buying Frequency…

High-ticket or low-dollar purchases?

Consistent or inconsistent purchase history?

Do they refer?

Why or why not?

TIP: Previous 3 sets of questions help with your ad targeting…

And maybe a little bit with identifying your WHO.

But the real gold comes from question set #4.

TIP: You should be looking for answers to all the questions.

They’re part of developing that relationship with your customers…

A relationship that’s crucial to your continued success.

You can see where you’re going with this approach?

The more you know…

The more you can personalize your customer’s experience with you.

Now, let’s be clear because not all of your customers like the same movies…

And not all of your customers take vacation in the same places.

You kinda have to be specific here…

Imagine your very best customers…

These people will have a few commonalities…

So you can connect with them via commonalities.

YES! There’s gold in the tiny details…

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Question Type 4:

The gold is in the tiny details…

These questions are the real deal…

Yes! Deep, sales-material type questions…

These answers are the ones you turn into killer headlines…

And pain points…

Super addictive hooks that resonate at the core level…

You can get to play the game when you KNOW your audience.

Seriously there is ONE big problem…

You see, these questions aren’t always the easiest to get answers to.

On the surface you’re not gonna get answers to these questions.

In fact, only until you’re able to have actual conversations with some people in your target market.

It’s really all about empathy…

Here’s a pro trick learned over years from personal experiences…

Find a nice quiet space to sit down…

Get comfortable and close your eyes!

Imagine you are one person from your target audience…one person.

You know where you live…

What magazines you like to read (and regularly read)…

And you have an idea of how your target audience found you.

By the way, if you don’t know, it’s probably killing your sales.

So put yourself in their shoes…

Think about the pain points they’re feeling…

The problems they have…

The problems they want YOU to solve…

And the stuff in their lives that they want more of…

All these questions you’re asking yourself about your target audience can be summed up with one big question…

What problems do they have that they’re paying you to solve?

If you can’t answer the type 4 questions…

All the marketing strategies you’ll use will fall short.

So where do you go from here?

All the gold is in the questions you should be asking your market…

These questions help you create headlines and bullets…

And super relevant product ideas to target your market.

Yes! It makes your business virtually bulletproof.

So you can sell more, solve problems…

Ultimately make you more and more money.

Your customer avatar is a fictional character…

The avatar represents your best or ideal customer.

Customer avatar helps you understand the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your customer’s buying decisions.

Simply click here to get your free report “The 7 Biggest Most Costly Mistakes When Starting Your Online Business!”

Customer Avatar