All posts by MarketingStrategy

John Mignano his background is mechanical engineer, he started as business owner with his brick-and-mortar engineering company. The business adventures and crusade goes way back to 1980.  And for 35+ years he has been on leading edge in the trenches. Building countless successful online businesses. Mentoring entrepreneurs to higher levels of success. In a bunch of different markets and niches. He can help you start online business or existing online business to generate targeted leads into sales. Are you building a successful online business?  What he shares makes a huge life changing difference. Want proven, hard-won marketing strategies? Want sustainable and scalable results? You've come to the right place.

Email Marketing For Local Business

“Email Marketing Still Returning Strong ROI?”

Want to take control of your email marketing? You want more buyers, prospects and leads. What if your business growth is relying mostly on referrals, word of mouth and good old fashioned recommendations?

What’s the biggest road-block almost every local business faces?

The problem is most small to medium enterprises (SMEs) fail to strategically formulate content and emails in a way which compels prospects to open, click-through and engage.

What are the tools you need? They’re all freely available and right now there’s a lot of chatter about how you must use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and countless other social sites in your business…

So all these tools are freely available and it does come back to how you utilize and leverage these tools which makes all the difference right?

What if you already have all the tools you need to make a killing?

Imagine The Power To Turn Abandoning Prospects Into Buyers…

Get ready to increase your conversion rates. Email is a phenomenal profit driver, however most websites capture less than 1 in 400 emails from visitors (who have not purchased).

Did you know email marketing allows you to communicate with thousands at a touch of a button? Email marketing is commonplace in most local business and, like any marketing
channel which has been around for a while it gets progressively harder to improve results.


email marketing
Email marketing for local business…

The Call to Action…

Every email has a purpose, which is reflected in the call to action (CTA). If you’re not sure what your call to action should be, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I want recipient to do?
  • How will they know how to do it?
  • What’s the benefit to them?

As you move to the later stages in your marketing messages and campaigns, you may find certain steps unusually difficult. What if you’re just not doing it the right way?

Tip: Points from above list are basic, still a good reminder to keep these points in mind when you’re writing an awesome email for building your new list of subscribers…

Always place the most important information in the headline and top part of your email.

Email marketing according to a study by ExactTarget, 77% of consumers prefer to receive permission-based marketing communications through email.

It’s a key way to reinforce relationships through special offers or bonus content and to keep your product or service top-of-mind…you now have the knowledge,

Why use email marketing? Because you’re already invited into the prospect’s digital home.

The power is you get precise audience segmenting, which is a valuable resource in that information you can provide is really targeted rather than being a pushy salesperson.

You see, the most successful big-brands keep their strategies and tactics to themselves.

Don’t think for one second this is some here today, gone tomorrow solution, because the key is really in the connection and in the relationships you forge with your audience.

Guess what? Email marketing is already tried, tested and a proven marketing strategy.

What if you’re not using email marketing in your local business?

Firstly, you’d want to pay attention to every word in this special report…

These days, like it or not, you’re competing against major household names
giant brands who have millions of dollars to spend on weekly promotions.

So, how much money is been left on the table, because email marketing still holds it’s own as one of the strongest channels with excellent return on investment, (if used in the right way at the right time).

The fact is digital marketing continues to evolve with new tools and techniques which are available to local business.

The most interesting part is it’s not about the technology:

  • Improving deliverability, open rates and click-throughs
  • How to design landing pages to optimise conversion rates
  • Data management and usage to drive better results
  • Understand the latest tools for email marketing
  • How to integrate email into your marketing mix…

This year produced seriously good results among the thousands of companies and businesses surveyed to establish exactly how much business, sales and revenue email marketing is delivering.

For example over half (55%) of companies responding to the survey have more than 10% of their sales coming from e-mail, while 8% state that more than half their sales come from e-mail marketing.

Why are so many local businesses running around chasing the latest marketing strategy and new ways to market to customers?

Email marketing is still NO 1 for the most cost effective methods for delivering great value and high ROI.

E-mail Marketing Best Practices

Are you fed up seeing your prospects leave without making a purchase or taking any
kind of action on your offer or website?

email marketing
Increase sales volume and get your name out there using email marketing…

Do you know how to structure emails which capture your prospect’s attention and literally
“force” them to see what you have to offer, so you can dramatically increase conversions?

Despite the fact e-mail is genuinely driving higher overall sales with a very positive ROI, why do the majority of local businesses using email marketing still do not believe their campaigns are running as well as they can?

It’s a fact a large majority of local businesses in general don’t know how to deliver great e-mail marketing campaigns to capitalize on the huge opportunities.

The results prove most local businesses don’t properly utilise e-mail marketing, and in this case, figures are 6 out of 10 say they only use their e-mail service provider for nothing more than basic broadcast of e-mail.

There are three types of local businesses in regards to e-mail marketing:

  1. One doesn’t bother to gather customers e-mail addresses and completely drops the ball in this area.
  2. Two gathers e-mail addresses from customers or has their e-mail addresses by default in their computer system and simply doesn’t use them effectively or at all
  3. Three proactively gathers e-mail addresses and makes a concerted effort to market to customers using their e-mails…

Still even at this level by far and away (90% plus) failed to capitalize on the incredible  capacity to develop these valuable e-mail lists.

Typically they send newsletters and very average product promotions and wonder why hardly anyone buys!

There are local businesses which have medium to large e-mail lists and have absolutely no clue about how to extract sales and revenue from those lists.

They simply send out non-relevant and boring newsletters not even realizing they have massive hidden sales and revenue at their fingertips starting from today!

Case-Study Of The BIG Email Paydays

The local businesses which have medium to big e-mail lists at their disposal, don’t utilise effectively, these examples are literally more common than you realise in the market place.

Here’s just one of the many examples which demonstrates how powerful and profitable a simple e-mail marketing campaign can be if designed and delivered at the right time.

A local manufacturer who designs and builds prefab concrete structures presented the ideal opportunity to leverage their high-value products and modest e-mail list…

We structured a delivery system which comprises  a four step e-mail marketing campaign and the results produced a very high and awesome payday.

This is a really good example of opportunities which are like hidden gold within your list…

Your list is not only the lifeblood of your continued success in business, it’s a crucial asset.

Often the simple strategies don’t require any fancy tricks or spending a truck load of money chasing No 1 ranking on Google.

The fact is so many local businesses fall into the dead-end trap of trying to keep up with all the myriad of changes to local and organic search engine optimisation (SEO).

What if you simply used a few e-mails which are engaging and a reintroduction to your customers and/or prospects?

Ok, let’s set-up and deliver a 4 day sales machine e-mail sequence and campaign.

This sequence is tried and tested and proven in just about every market and e-mail marketing scenario we’ve ever tried and continually produces results.

Simply use a red hot offer to warm-up your list, simply run the 4 day sales machine sequence and any prospects who are even remotely interested in purchasing products you have on offer become highly motivated and eager to get their hands on a great deal.

The bottom line results of this simple yet effective campaign were $276,000 in new sales, plus upgrades and repurchases from existing customers which in total netted just over 12.5% in revenue which is thirty-four thousand five hundred dollars!

$34,500 for 1 Week Of Email Marketing

Listen, there are literally hundreds of local businesses selling different kinds of products and services who have existing e-mail lists or potential to build a good size list which can deliver similar e-mail marketing campaigns.

The huge advantage here is most local businesses e-mail lists are completely untapped and most have little to no clue how to run highly profitable and effective e-mail marketing campaigns.

The other enormous advantage you have is your customers most likely have never really been exposed to high quality e-mail marketing, and in most cases they’re seeing these types of e-mails for the first time which makes these email campaigns incredibly potent.

Also very exciting as you start seeing the profits roll-in.

The Email Marketing Template

So how do you run the same e-mail marketing campaign like the above local manufacturer?

There is absolutely a formula and step-by-step process to make this e-mail marketing campaign work as well as it does.

Yes, there’s a proven e-mail marketing template and checklist so your marketing team can follow the exact process and steps to produce campaigns like this…next step is you’ll want to set-up your email account for you business.

By the way, while you’re getting your e-mail account set-up, you’ll want to find out why less than 5% of businesses understand how to plug gaps in their marketing funnel.

marketing funnel
How to radically increase profits and conversions…

In fact, 95% of businesses fail to use the power of this tool.

What’s the biggest road-block every SMEs faces?

If you want to get the edge on your competitors and that includes the BIG-Brands you need to pay attention to every word on this report…click here to see what all the fuss is about.

These days, like it or not, you’re competing against major household names giant brands who have millions of dollars to spend on weekly promotions.

There’s so much which can be done across many areas of business to support and better enable sales. 

Intelligent marketing strategy which is intrinsically linked to sales strategy is an area most enterprises have plenty of room to improve.

Perhaps you’d consider joining marketing and sales departments together in order to achieve better alignment?

Is it time to upgrade your marketing funnel and buyer experience. Extend standard payments with flexible, easier options.

Stay tuned for the next piece of the puzzle as we share with you exactly how this e-mail marketing template and checklist works  and how  to use the exact same process to model the e-mail marketing sales machine campaigns, (all revealed later on)…

Email Marketing

How To Double Your Email Marketing Results

“How To Get More Sales Without Increasing Your Marketing Budget”

Email is about them, not you…294 billion emails are sent each day. Roughly 50 for every human being. If you want people to open your emails, give value they can use.

Don’t just waffle on about yourself. Make it personal. If you know their name, use it. It’s easy to mail merge a name into a template.

email marketing tips
Email marketing tips, tricks and secrets make it easy and powerful for your business…

The best email isn’t email marketing if you’re not using the subject line…and if the subject line doesn’t make people go ‘Oh my god, I have to read this email’, they won’t.

Your subscribers choose to be on your list, so they want to know about how your business, product/service can solve their problem. Get them to take action and response is positive.

So sd you send your email messages on Tuesday at lunchtime because that’s when most people are reading email…

Tip: Email conversion rate optimisation. I want to give you a short, sharp, actionable step you can immediately take straight to the bank…

So here it is…converting clicks into cash, so what if you do any type of email broadcasts, such as email newsletters, this tip can literally double your results.

If you only send out email newsletters to your list every so often and get pretty good results, what if want to  dramatically boost response by up to 100%?

Most people are busy right and get 100 or more emails a day. What if your email subject line or headline doesn’t  immediately grab your prospect’s attention?

As you know it’s all too easy for your email recipients to hit the “Archive” button, or the “Delete” button.

Hold on just a second, it doesn’t mean they’re not interested…it just means your timing wasn’t right.

These days, an email “open rate” of 10 to 15 percent is considered good, it’s not amazing, still not bad either.

In other words, up to 90% of your prospects aren’t reading your emails.

So instead of losing up to 90% of your audience when you send an email broadcast, here’s what to do instead.

You simply send three versions of each email.

Step 1: Send “Email 1” with “Subject Line 1” to your list.

Step 2: Remove everyone who opened “Email 1” and resend with “Subject Line 2” in a couple of days.

Step 3: Remove everyone who opened “Email 1” or “Email 2” and resend with “Subject Line 3” in a couple more days.

Tip: Email autoresponder systems for example Aweber or Infusionsoft can easily handle the list selection.

What if you decide to start using this process today? Basically you’re not bombarding people who did open your messages,
and you’re also giving those who didn’t respond a second and third chance.

And for every 100 emails you send, here’s a guide on what you can expect:

Email 1: 15 opens
Email 2: 10 opens
Email 3: 5 opens

Total: 30% open rate, instead of 15%.

If you do this, you’ll double the response from your email list without spending any more money on traffic generation,  without waiting until you grow your email list…make sense?

Email marketing campaigns are essential steps in your marketing strategy. Email messages communicate and build relationships with prospects, and gather important data in context to boosting marketing ROI.

What is marketing ROI? How do you measure marketing ROI? How can you communicate with other teams about the results your marketing team is achieving?

As important as email marketing campaigns are for your business, are you hitting the bulls eye or continuing to fall short on the email marketing campaign’s return on investment.

To successfully build and maintain effective email marketing campaigns, you want to pay close attention to your target audience.

The email message is a powerful delivery system, if you avoid the common trap of simply blasting out self-promotional messages.

This only leads to recipients hitting the delete button more than opening your message.

To get the right structure for campaigns which boosts lead nurturing and marketing ROI, we trust these email marketing tips empower your successful email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Tips

Why Develop Your Marketing Strategy?

“Tips To Expand Or Develop Marketing Strategy and Increase Your Profits”

Marketing strategy sets the overall road map, structure, direction and step-by-step goals for marketing. Effective marketing means a clearly defined marketing strategy. 

Why do some businesses thrive while many still continue to struggle? Are you frustrated?

Why? Because other businesses whose products or services aren’t as good as yours are enjoying boosts in sales from month to month?

There are three reasons why this happens:

Reason #1: Successful businesses have solved the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to effective prospecting.

Any company (large or small) which isn’t getting as much business as they can handle simply means they don’t know how to consistently get as many prospects as they need.

Reason #2: Successful businesses do an exceptional job of differentiating themselves from all their competitors.

They offer a difference which is so unique, they’re immediately viewed as a “category of one” and the only business buyers or customers would logically choose to buy from.

Reason #3: Successful businesses sell more of their products or services by actually marketing less. Why?

Because by targeting more effectively and segmenting buyers from time-wasters or “tire-kickers”, means the time and money they invest in marketing is reduced significantly.

develop marketing strategy
Develop marketing strategy which is simple, yet empowers you to define success…

Develop a marketing strategy which is key for your business success. Bear in mind the best marketing strategy is simple, yet empowers you to define your business success:

  1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Goals

The 3 areas outline the steps you need to take to achieve these goals, which are developed to structure your unique selling position (USP) in consultation with your business team.

Your marketing strategy  is essential to your success, affecting the way you run your entire business, would it make sense to take it off your to-do list and actually implement today?

 Use a wide-reaching and comprehensive tool to develop marketing strategy that:

  • Describes your business, products and services
  • Explains USP and role of your products and services in your market
  • Profiles your buyers (prospects, leads, customers) and competition
  • Identifies marketing strategies and tactics which you would use
  • Allows you to build a marketing strategy and measure its effectiveness

Develop marketing strategy so the marketing plan outlines the daily specific actions you take to implement your goals with tactics to be achieved over 12 months.

Develop Marketing Strategy And Enjoy A Thriving Business…

A well-developed marketing strategy empowers you to realise your business goals and build a strong reputation for your products and services.

marketing strategy process
Outline of marketing strategy process…

The best marketing strategy process allows you to specially target your products and services to the ideal buyers most likely to buy.

Develop marketing strategy to include the components listed below to help you make the most of your marketing, keep your marketing focused, measure and improve your sales.

Structure And Plan Your Business Goals

To develop your marketing strategy, identify your overarching business goals, so that you can then define a set of marketing goals to support them.

Your business goals would include:

  • Increasing awareness of your products and services
  • Selling more products from a certain supplier
  • Reaching new customer segments
  • State your marketing goals

Define a set of specific marketing goals based on the business goals you listed above. These goals will motivate you and your team and help you benchmark your success.

Examples of marketing goals include increased market penetration (selling more products to existing customers) or market development (selling products to new target markets).

Marketing goals could be long-term and might take a few years to successfully achieve. However, they need to be clear and measurable and have time frames for achievement.

Make sure your overall strategies are also practical and measurable. A good marketing strategy will not be changed every year, but revised when your strategies have been achieved or your marketing goals have been met.

Also, you may need to amend your strategy if your external market changes due to a new competitor or new technology, or if your products substantially change.

Research Your Market

Research is a crucial step to develop marketing strategy.

You get information to establish your market, size, growth, social trends, demographics (population statistics age, gender and family type)…

It is important to keep an eye on market conditions so you are aware of any changes over time, so you develop marketing strategy which remains focused, relevant and targeted.

Profile And Segment Buyers

Use your market research to develop a profile of the customers you are targeting and identify their needs.

The profile will reveal their buying patterns, including how they buy, where they buy and what they buy. Again, regularly review trends so you don’t miss out on new opportunities or become irrelevant with your marketing message.

While you try to find new customers, make sure your marketing strategy also allows you to maintain relationships with your existing customers.

Understand Your Competitors

As part of your marketing strategy you’d profile your competitors to understand the products, supply chains, delivery system, pricing and marketing tactics they’re using.

Use this to differentiate and set your business apart from your competitors.

You’d want to identify strengths and weaknesses of your internal processes to improve your competitive advantages and performance compared with your competition.

Develop Marketing Strategy To Support Your Marketing Goals

List your target markets and plan strategies to get and retain for example; goal is to attract specific (age group) of buyer’s and increase awareness of your products and services.

Your strategies would increase your reach by posting updates about product using online social media platforms; Twitter and Facebook.

Advertising in local magazines targeted to specific buyers and offering discounts and/or financial incentives without damaging your short-term sales and long-term growth…

 Use The 4 Ps of Marketing

Develop marketing strategy with the right combination of marketing across product, price, promotion, place and people.

develop marketing strategy
Develop marketing strategy using 4 Ps of marketing…

Tip: Develop marketing strategy to maximise your customer lifetime value…

The 4 Ps are a set of marketing tactics, which you can use in any combination to satisfy buyers in your target market.

These variable are controllable, yet subject to your internal and external marketing environments.

Combining these different marketing tactics to meet your buyers’ needs and wants is known as using a ‘tactical marketing mix’.

develop marketing strategy
Develop marketing strategy to meet your buyers’ needs and wants…

Product is all of the features, advantages and benefits your buyers enjoy from buying your goods or services.

When marketing your product, you structure only the key benefits your buyers want or need, including the emotional triggers and results of buying and enjoying your products.

Price is the strategy for your products and services and how it affect your buyers decision.

You’d know how much buyers are prepared to pay, how much mark-up you need to cater for overheads, your profit margins and payment methods and other costs.

To get more customers and increase your competitive advantage, you may also want to consider learning more about the right pricing structure of your products.

These are promotional activities you use to make your customers aware of your products and services, including advertising, sales tactics and direct marketing.

The right place is about getting the products to your customer which includes where a product or service is made, sold or distributed.

You can set yourself apart from your competition through the design of your retail space and by using effective visual merchandising techniques.

If you are not a retail business, place is still an important part of your marketing.

Your customers may need a quick delivery turnaround or want to buy locally manufactured products.

If you are starting a new business, finding the right location can be a key marketing tactic.

People refer to the staff and salespeople who work for your business, including yourself.

When you provide excellent customer service, you create a positive experience for your customers, and in doing so market your brand to them.

In turn, existing customers may want to refer other people they know and spread the word about your excellent service, basically how you can win referrals.

Develop Marketing Strategy By Testing Your Ideas, Tactics and Options…

In deciding your tactics, do some online research, test ideas and approaches on your customers and your staff, continue to track and measure, review what works.

develop marketing strategy
Develop marketing strategy to test ideas, tactics and options…

You want to choose a number of tactics to meet your buyer’s or existing customers’ needs, reach the customers within your target market and improve your sales results.

The marketing strategy overview you’ve just seen reveals some costly mistakes, if fixed, would make a significant difference to your business profits.

If you’d like us to empower you to implement a proven marketing strategy reach out, get in touch and we’ll give you a call to see how to best develop marketing strategy to get results.

Develop Marketing Strategy

Customer Experience

“Why Customer Experience Is More Important Than Advertising?”

Strategic value of customer relationships. Customer experience is defined as your customer’s perceptions, conscious and subconscious of their relationship resulting from all their interactions with your brand during the customer life cycle.

Customer experience really matters and is without doubt a key differentiation for businesses, so how can good customer experience put your business on top.

Getting depth of knowledge about your customers isn’t something that just happens.

Customer experience knowledge comes from insights from all customer touch points and channels across your entire business.

It’s about harnessing customer data from online and offline, includes traditional brick and mortar channels and understanding this valuable data with speed and precision.

customer experience
Does Better Customer Experience Cost More…

Your best opportunities for business growth may not exist in developing new products or services. They may instead be found selling more to your existing customers and finding new customers with a similar buyer lifecycle, you’d be silly to ignore it…

Tired of your customers shopping around?

Customer experience may sound idealistic or touchy-feely, yet you don’t want to ignore it here’s why…

There’s tangible business value in managing the customer experience effectively. Good customer experience management can:

  • Strengthen brand preference via differentiated experiences
  • Increase sales and revenues from existing customers
  • Boost new sales from word of mouth
  • Improve customer loyalty (advocates) via valued customer interactions
  • Lower advertising and marketing costs by reducing customer churn

Only 4% of customers trust advertising the most for product and service information, so can good customer experience help to seal the deal with your customers?

Recently businesses surpassed $200 Billion dollars a year in advertising spending.

Yet, fewer and fewer customers are trusting advertising as the source of information for products and services.

Word of mouth carries a big, heavy stick when it comes to the reputation of your business products and services.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and other reviews sites help to amplify to voice of the customer.

The power of a single bad customer experience can have at creating future business opportunities…it’s so critical for you to focus on investing in better customer service.

Why would you invest in a better customer service experience?

The practice of designing and reacting to customer interactions to meet or exceed customer expectations and increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy…

The Internet has segmented and amplified the ability for news to travel and instant speed, especially bad news.

Do you focus on leveraging more effective tools to help you stay on top of your customer experience by ensuring your customers are getting good customer service from your staff?

What’s the importance of customer experience and the impact it has on getting new customers and keeping your existing customers happy?

Why Customer Experience Matters

Remember your customers have more presence, power and choice than ever before.

If you decide not to provide a personal, relevant, timely customer experience, you can turn away customers immediately. It’s your choice to alienate or drive your brand loyalty…

Customer experience is all about knowing your customers so completely you can create and deliver personalised experiences which empower customers to not only remain loyal.

Tip: You want customers to become your advocates, and that’s the most valuable form of advertising there is…

40% of customers began shopping with a competitor, because they heard about the company’s good customer service.

Reputation for great customer service creates incentives for customers to give you a go.

Good experience grabs customers and your great customer service can be a vehicle for generating sales and helping the bottom line.

Tip: The key is keeping those customers once they’ve given your company a shot…

Are you listening to your customers?

When bad experiences happen, you have an opportunity to make things right.

Some of your most loyal customers have seen you show that your customers really matter.

There’s a troubling trend with customers today in that many feel like companies don’t care enough to make things right, so fewer customers are trusting companies to resolve issues.

Customers with problems are taking to their social networks to vent their anger:

  • A full 85% of customers who had a bad customer service experience want to warn others about doing business with the company
  • 66% of customers wanted to discourage others from doing business with the company
  • 55% of customers wanted to vent their anger
  • Yet only 24% of customers actually tried to contact the company to get the issue resolved

Right Message, Right Place, Right Time

To deliver the most value at each customer touch point and improve customer experience you want a road map which means using analytics to understand specific stages in the customer life cycle so you can deliver right message to right place at right time…

customer experience
An integrated customer experience at each stage of buyers lifecycle…

Each buyer lifecycle stage is important from initial consideration to active evaluation to the moment of purchase and even to post-purchase experience.

Each stage is an opportunity to improve your customer experience.

Each stage is an opportunity to optimise and get more insight you can feedback into your marketing funnel which you can continue to leverage for improving processes next time.

customer experience
Analysis of customer experience…

You might have the data and technology to track your best customers, so how can you meaningfully differentiate between them and the rest?

How do you align your marketing strategy and operations around them? And how do you create and sustain competitive advantages from all these processes with best practices?

Customer’s don’t know the real reason that drives their behaviour, so how do you plan on leveraging customer experience in your continued business growth today?

Customer Experience

Small Business – 3 Most Costly Lead Generation Mistakes

How To Avoid The 3 Biggest And Most Costly Lead Generation Mistakes  Small Businesses Make!

Lead generation most costly mistakes, however insignificant they may seem on the surface, threaten the very existence and in many cases will be fatal to your business.

Some are clearly obvious and easy to avoid. Want to cut through all hype, eliminate B.S with a tested, proven step-by-step roadmap for making your phone ring off the hook?

Dear Business Owner, 

Firstly, allow me to warn you about this report in advance, in all likelihood, you’re either taking too lightly or worse are not even aware of…

Stop for a moment and think about the advertising you’ve  been doing over the past week.

If you currently do any form of advertising and marketing; print ad, brochure, postcard, flyer or for that matter your website, take a look at your lead generation very carefully.

Ok that’s only half of the story…

You want to understand why you absolutely must act to identify and correct your financial exposure sooner rather than later, also why your reputation becomes at risk?

Tip: More important than that, the bigger your business, the harder they are to correct

What if you’re like 98% of small businesses making these painful and fatal mistakes time and time again,  left unchecked, literally they’re doomed and it will destroy their business.

We’ll reveal to you the three biggest lead generation, most  bone-chilling mistakes small business owners make and show you how you’ll avoid losing more cashflow and profits.

lead generation mistakes
Bone chilling most costly lead generation mistakes you want to avoid…

If you want very frank discussions, simple, proven and tested, step-by-step strategy for generating more leads for your small business, listen to every word in this presentation.

Press the play button to watch this short 1.16 minute empowering video now…

Tip: This is a sober warning about those dangerous pitfalls, it’s not an easy topic to talk about…

It’s absolutely critical you identify and correct these problems in your business right now  to steer clear of disastrous mistakes that destroy everything you’ve worked for…

If you have your ads sitting in front of you, see why small businesses are led to believe all they need do is some advertising and they’ll generate a ton of hot and ready-to-buy leads.

Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth…

You’ve been fed a lot of hype and B.S which is sabotaging your own success and that’s only the first danger in your marketing funnel, yes all essential to understand, identify and fix.

Want to learn how to overcome “blind spots” in the perception of your business:

  • Your small business needs to cash flow 
  • What about boosting your sales
  • How about increasing your profits

No business can succeed without these core lead generation skills. Want answers to all of these problems and how to discover the best, most effective ways to achieve your goals.

As a small business owner you already know cash flow is crucial…so what if you don’t get to actually put any in your pocket at the end of the day?

To get started, simply enter your detail below and we’ll send you your free report.

[easy_contact_forms fid=7]

P.S. The marketing strategies in this report insulate you from the damaging beliefs, misconceptions and devastating effects holding you back and keep you on track…

In fact, in context to your lead generation, do you want a little known secret which gets you more leads than your business can handle?

Lead Generation Mistakes