All posts by MarketingStrategy

John Mignano his background is mechanical engineer, he started as business owner with his brick-and-mortar engineering company. The business adventures and crusade goes way back to 1980.  And for 35+ years he has been on leading edge in the trenches. Building countless successful online businesses. Mentoring entrepreneurs to higher levels of success. In a bunch of different markets and niches. He can help you start online business or existing online business to generate targeted leads into sales. Are you building a successful online business?  What he shares makes a huge life changing difference. Want proven, hard-won marketing strategies? Want sustainable and scalable results? You've come to the right place.

How to Make Your Own Lifestyle Business Dreams Reality In 2017!

“The  7 Biggest  Most Costly Mistakes  Made  When  Starting  Your Online  Business!”  

First step is in knowing the end result and understanding the thought process and drives of  a lifestyle business model…

Would you identify and call yourself an entrepreneur?

The road to success is paved with tests…

So you’ve got to believe in yourself above the rest.

Dream big, and let your passion shine…

If you don’t, you won’t end up with a dime.

Challenge the status quo, disrupt the market and say YES!

And remember that innovation is an endless quest.

Don’t forget to change business for good…

If you want to change the world then you should.

If you think with your head and listen to your heart…

I promise you’ll get off to a flying start.

Make bold moves, but always play fair…

Always say please and thank you – it’s cool to care.

Do what you love and love what you do…

This advice is nothing new.

Now, stop worrying about whether your business will be a hit…

Rise to the challenge and say ‘screw it, let’s do it!’

By Richard Branson

A lifestyle business is typically set-up and run primarily with the aim of sustaining a particular level of comfortable income and no more…

This is the foundation from which to enjoy a particular lifestyle.

A lifestyle entrepreneur focuses more on the life rewards provided to people that enjoy and have a passion for what they are doing.

Not  doing enough  market  research…

As  lifestyle business entrepreneurs  we fall  in  love  with an idea…

And fantasize about  how  great our products  are  going  to  sell.

They say, just  build  a  better  mousetrap  and  they will  come.

In  the  online  world it’s  like  waiting all  night  to catch a tooth  fairy.

It’s  just  not  going  to  happen…

Most  entrepreneurs  start  an  online  business  with  the belief  that their idea  is  going  to be  worth  millions  right  out  of  the  gate.

What if  you  do  the market  research?

What if you look at  the  facts…

You  might  discover  your  idea   is  not  going  to  work.

In  this  case  it  may  be  better  to  ditch  the  idea  in  the   planning  phase  than  to  waste  time  and  money  trying  to  make  it  work.

When  you  are  doing  market  research…

You want to make  sure  your  find  competition.

Multiple people already selling  something  similar  to your  product.


Because it’s  proof  others have  made  it  work  and  you can  too.

Next step is you  need  to  visit  their  site…

That way you’ll sign  up  for their  email  list.

You may want to buy  their  product.

This gives you direct access to  their emails and follow ups.

You get to see what’s happening in their marketing process.

You can take note  of  the many different  products…

How they’re  offering  products for  sale in their funnel.

Once you have  this  research from other competitors, you get a much better and deeper understanding of  the market dynamics….

And what  you’ll  need  to  get in  place  to  compete successfully.

Not  focusing  on  1  task  until  it gets  done…

Now  you  have  your  market  research  done  and  have  proof  of   concept  there  is  a  healthy  demand  for  your  product…

You  need  to   focus  on  creating  the  product  until  it’s  done.

That  means  100%  done,   not  99%  done.

As  online  entrepreneurs  it’s  easy  to  get  distracted.

You can quickly get sidetracked  by all those bright  shiny  objects.

Designed  to  make  you  part  with  your  hard   earned  money….fast.

You  can’t  sell  anything  until  you  get  it  done.

Don’t  try  to   do  multiple  projects  at  once. Why?

Because  it  will  just  slow  you  down.

In fact, you  only  need  to  have  one  front-­‐end  product  completed  to  build  your business.

Not  using  your  own  branded domain…

You  can’t  judge  a  book  by  it’s  cover,  right?

Yet you  can  judge  an  online  business  by  its  domain  name.

Look, so many entrepreneurs foolishly use  free  hosting  account  or shared  domain  name.

That’s  a  sure  sign  of  an  amateur…

Your  domain  is  your  storefront.

Make  sure  you  have  a  self-­‐hosted  domain  which  reflects  your  business.

This means you choose the right  domain  name…

A name that inspires trust and  confidence  in  your  buyers.

Not  building  your  email  list  from  day  1…

The  lifeblood  of  your  business  is your  email  list.

Think  of  your email list as  your  own  tribe.

And  you  are  their  fearless  leader.

It’s  up  to  you  to  lead   them  to  whatever  results  you  or  your  products  deliver.

Never  be  afraid   to  email  your  list  because  you  know  you  are  providing  value.

Make  email  list  building  your  first  priority  as  soon  as  your  site  is  live.

May I suggest  you  use  Aweber  for  your  email  marketing.

They  have  a  crazy  deal  where  you  can  get  30  days  free.

Even  if  you  don’t  have  your   products  ready  for  sale,  still  get  an  email  form  to  capture  emails  on  your   blog.

Not  building  out  your  funnel…

Now  you  have  your  email  capture  set-up  and  running…

It’s  time  to   review  your  market  research  to  see  what  and  how  your  competitors  are  selling  their  products.

You  need  to  really  look  at  how  they’re positioning  their  products  to  the  market.

What is the angle and hook they’re using to stand out?

Are  they  positioned as the Cadillacs  of  the niche?

Maybe they  have  the  Wal-­Mart  approach and mentality?

You  have  to  figure  out   your  positioning  first…

Yes, before  you  create  a  product.

You  also  need  to  look  at  what  types  of  funnels  your  competitors  are   using.

You don’t want to be modeling their funnel if they’re  losing  money  on  the  front-­end  to  acquire  a  customer, right?

What if they’re promoting high­‐ticket  items  the next  week?

Do  they  make   enough  money  from  the  front-­end  sales?

What if they  don’t  have  a  back-­end   funnel?

Listen, these  are  important  details  you  need  to  consider.

And understand…

Not  focusing  on  recurring  income…

Even  if  you’re  only  selling  ONE  item…

Look  at  how  you  can  take  that  one  time  sale  and  turn  it  into repeat  sales.

Better  yet…

Offer  some  kind  of continuity  program  to  create  recurring  income.

Often  this  is  done  with  a   product  of  the  month,  membership  sites,  newsletters,  or  product  refills.

This  will  be  the  source  of  the  bulk  of  your  long-­‐term  income.

What if  you consider  selling  your business?

Yep, your  recurring  income  and email  list  will  be assets.

Valuable assets that  buyers  want  the  most…

Not  wanting  to  spend  money  on  advertising…

This  is  where  most  entrepreneurs  trip  themselves  up.

You  have  to get over this fear and be willing  to  spend  money.

There is no other faster or more scalable way to  get  your  offer  in  front  of  your  target  audience.

It  is  just  like  in  real  estate…

You’ve heard the saying…location,  location,  location.

You  can’t make  sales  if  buyers  never  see  your  site.

Paid  traffic  should  be a  line item  on  your  cost  of  doing  business.

The  entire  internet  is  based  on  the model  of  using  paid  traffic.

Trying  to  do  the  techie  stuff  yourself…

Funny thing is I’m  a  victim  of  this  myself.

Listen, I  can’t  count  the  times  I  should  have  spent time  growing  the business  instead  of  tweaking  some  code …

Messing with useless plugins on  the  site  or  in  the  shopping  cart.

Don’t  spend  your  valuable time  doing  techie  stuff.

Technology  is always changing and updating the codes…

It’s time consuming and difficult to  learn and keep up.

The worst part is often  you’ll only  use  it  once  or  twice.

Yes, and by the time to learn it, it’s probably already obsolete.

Best part of technology,  it is easy  and  cheap  to  outsource.

Thanks for reading, appreciate you…

John Mignano

Lifestyle Business

The Underutilised Customer Lifecycle Marketing

What Is Your Customers Lifecycle Marketing Strategy?

In marketing from frontend to backend and everything in between, it all revolves around customer lifetime value (CLV or CLTV), right?

Lifetime customer value (LCV) or lifetime value (LTV) is a key metric.

A measure of net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer…

What’s the easiest way to increase sales or drive new sales?

Do all leads, prospects and customers go through a marketing cycle?

When do you use a complete marketing cycle?

When should you use complete customer lifecycle marketing?

customer lifecycle marketing

Do you leverage lead to sales cycle?

So, what happens after the sale?

And what happens if the sale doesn’t happen?

Is a complete lifecycle marketing campaign worth the effort?

Do you send out direct mail or make phone calls?

Online uses email marketing, basically you can automate marketing campaigns, which once set-up delivers unlimited messages.

The result is to drive new sales for your business, right?

So why would you use a complete customer lifecycle?

A customer lifecycle can be broken down into stages or phases…

Stage #1: Lead Generation…

This is where you’re driving traffic to your lead generation pages.

In context to online marketing…

You’re getting visitors to your website and having them complete forms or buy products online.

Obviously you would build lead generation funnel…

Either the website lead form or product sales page.

You would also need to build three separate follow up sequences.

The first follow up sequence would be lead to sale sequence, which would email your customer over a course of few days…

The end result is to get them to buy from you.

This process would either have a buyer or a lost lead…

The lost lead or non buyer is then moved into a separate sequence.

The two sequences…


Lost Lead…

The buyer sequence emails the buyer with specific retention emails.

The lost lead or non buyer sequence works on converting lead into buyer.

lead generation process

Stage #2: Lead Management…

This is where you deal with two different buyers and lost leads.

They both have been through two sets of email sequences…

The first stage of lead sequence…

And second being either buyer or lost lead sequence.

After they have gone through the sequences they go into two separate long term nurture sequences.

Purpose of the next sequences should focus on regular contacts.

Regular meaning at least weekly and monthly as well.

The nurture sequence for a customer is slightly different because the goal is upsells…

Nurture sequence for lost leads builds trust towards buying your first product.

lead nurture sequence

Do you typically stop at the first sequence?

Do you follow up on lost leads?

Do you continue to nurture buyer and current customers?

What if you used a campaign, which does both for you?

Do you think it would significantly boost your sales?

Would you get significantly more sales from your current leads?

You’re already paying for traffic right?

Why wouldn’t it make sense to maximize each and every lead?

Obviously not every lead converts into a sale or customer.

That’s why customer lifecycle marketing is the process used from beginning of a complete customer life cycle.

This strategy if applied to your marketing helps you to do that…

Does it make sense?

Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Why Would You Use LinkedIn Ads?

How to Leverage The Power Of LinkedIn Ads Manager For Your Business Success!

Most marketers know that there is a huge opportunity on LinkedIn right now and a lot of are just not taking advantage of it, right?

Keep reading this value packed information…

You’ll see how to set-up and do your targeting using LinkedIn ads…

Question is do you want to begin bringing in targeted leads?

Advertising on LinkedIn…

There are two types of advertising with LinkedIn…

Sponsored ads…

And text ads…

Each will appear in different places throughout the website.

To start advertising simply look for the “Business Services” tab…

Then click on “Advertise”.

Sign in and click on “Manage Ads”…

You can then start using LinkedIn to advertise your business.

To begin, you’d want to click on “create campaign”…

The tab is located on upper right side of screen, which brings you the two ads options just mentioned above…

Sponsored updates are posts or a piece of content…

While text ads are just that…

A few lines of text advertising your business.

Choose one depending on the type of marketing that you’re doing.

If you want to be build your business profile or brand to be recognised as an authority in your market…

Choose the sponsored updates!

This option might be more useful for you.

What if you’re wanting to drive people from text ads onto your landing page?

Do you want them to download white paper or special report?

Perhaps register or opt-in for a consultation?

Whatever the reason, text ads might be better suited for you.

You’d be smart to testing both types of ads…

You can’t judge results or underestimate the power, right?

It really depends on type of offer you have.

LinkedIn gives you an option to “Test Ads”…

Simply click on option…

Specify name and language for your campaign.

This is where it gets interesting!

LinkedIn offers valuable targeting for social network advertising.

You can target an audience based on location…

Company name…


And job title…

Yes, including basic demographics like age and gender.

It’s possible to target people engaged in a specific profession.

Maybe you want to target cream of the crop people working for reputable brands or specific companies?

You might just want to offer them a job!

Unethical or immoral practices you might think?

Nevertheless it gives you an idea how powerful these ads could be.

As you go through each different option…

You’ll see volume of estimated audience on right begins to drop.

By the way this isn’t necessarily a deal breaker.

It’s only natural as you start to narrow down your audience.

To find a targeted list of people to market your business…

Obviously, you want the highest probability of conversions, right?

What if you want to target CEOs…


Managers of businesses…

Let’s say the employee base is 50 to 10,000 or more…

Yes, it’s certainly possible with LinkedIn ads.

It’s a good marketing to be as specific as possible!

When you’re setting-up your LinkedIn ads keep that in mind.

Make good use of overlays which allows you to dissect your target audience based on age.

For example…

CEOs aged 35 to 55+

Yes, this group thinks differently than people at younger age.

Would that mean they have a more stable business?

You want to split up your campaigns…

Target audiences based on age or gender to ensure you get your ads in front of the right people.

Right message to the right audience.

That way you get the most interested in what your business has to offer…

This hidden little gem makes all the difference.

The more clear, accurate and specific you are in setting up your target audience…

The little details means a massive difference.

Differences between failure and success…

Do you agree?

That’s how you do targeting in the LinkedIn ads manager!

Do you need help or perhaps you’ve got a few questions in mind?

LinkedIn Ads

Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads

Which Marketing Medium Be It Social Media Or Advertising Platform Do You Prefer – Is It Facebook Ads or Google Adwords?

Yes…it’s a timely and good question, one which is commonly asked by a lot of people looking to start advertising on the web…

Keep reading because the answer just might surprise you.

Which one is better?

The truth is these are two different marketing mediums…

Both work for different businesses under different circumstances.

What we’ll do in this article is to simply go toe to toe…

There are different points and scenarios wherein Facebook ads and Adwords which may or may not work for your business.

You’ll reach your own conclusion for which marketing medium is actually better suited to your business.

Let’s get right to it…

We’ll start with the buying cycle.

Adwords target “ready to buy” people…

Imagine the buying cycle as a funnel…

You have people on top of the funnel right?

They might be aware of your business…

But just are not ready to buy anything just yet.

The people at the bottom of the funnel…

These people are ready to put money into your bank account…

Because they’ve immediate need for your products or services.

Google Adwords lets you target the people who are right at the bottom of the buying cycle.

People already have their credit card out…

They are simply looking for someone to give their money to.

Facebook Ads targets people in the full buying cycle.

There’s no way to specifically target people who are bottom of funnel and ready to purchase.

That said…

Targeting people who are top of funnel is definitely worth looking into with Facebook ads…

You have potential to effectively do just that…

And generally better results than with Adwords.

What about the marketing reach of Adwords?

Adwords, as a marketing medium has a much broader reach compared to Facebook ads.

You can target people on Google itself…

Google owns web properties including Youtube…

All thanks to their vast network Google has in place.

Facebook is only limited to the social media platform.

What about brand awareness on Facebook?

Facebook is limited in terms of search reach, it’s still the dominant social network on the web, right?

And a great place to promote local brand awareness.

Nearly everyone has an active presence on this social network.

And with good content marketing, you can effectively position yourself as a brand authority in your niche market.

Let’s explore tracking in Adwords…

Adwords has a more effective means of tracking purchases.

And inquiries which is a great results for businesses which rely heavily on lead generation.

You can even track phone calls…

And best of all…

These are all free services and come with use of Adwords platform.

This type of tracking feature is not currently available on the Facebook marketing platform…

Social proof is powerful in Facebook!

Facebook may not offer much in the way of tracking…

But hang onto your hat because most web marketers would agree it makes up for it by way of social proof.

Come up with a good ad and people are bound to like, comment or share your ad…

This builds trust so people are more likely to purchase products or services you’re offering.

Remember there is dynamic insertion Ads on Adwords…

It’s a significant advantage of Adwords over Facebook ads.

And to better explain this powerful feature, it would be best to refer to a quick example…

What if somebody goes to Google and does a search for “Red Hats”.

Okay with Adwords, you can easily insert that exact search term.

Yes, its called dynamic which means dynamically inserts into ad.

The result is an opportunity to create ads which are relevant…

And convinces people it’s exactly what they are looking for online.

Targeting your audience on Facebook…

Facebook offers 3 ways of targeting audiences for marketing ads…




Of course, Adwords offers something similar.

What makes Facebook marketing truly powerful is you can easily overlay the above three to create highly targeted audiences…

And more profitable list of audience to market to.

Facebook offers a means to split test your ads.

Yes, making it so much easier to identify what’s working for you.

Then you have Youtube which is owned by Google.

Google owns Youtube right?

And that’s yet another significant advantage.

Yes, when it comes to marketing with Adwords.

This means you can run your Adwords on Youtube.

Which is actually the second biggest search engine on the Internet.

There are millions of searches done on Youtube everyday…

And Adwords lets you tap into yet another rich pool of audiences.

More sweet choices that you can market to.

Let’s look at the rich media in Facebook Ads…

Facebook lets you create ads which contain rich media.

In either text, images or videos.

You can always combine any of those to create your ads.

So there you have it…

All the specific advantages of each platform.

Of course to really decide which is better for your business, we need to also tackle specific disadvantages of each platform.

Let’s get right to it!

The disadvantages of Facebook Ads and Google Adwords…

Poor overlay targeting in Adwords!

One problem most marketers often have with Google Adwords is while you can specifically target people based via intention…

And what they’re looking for…

There’s currently no way to overlay it all with certain demographics like age, gender or interests.

It means you could waste some of your ad budget tweaking your campaign…

What…no targeting based on keyword searches on Facebook?

This is a significant flaw currently with Facebook ads…

There’s simply no way to target people based on whatever search terms they are using on the social network.

Now, you do need a good website to draw people to in Adwords!

To be truly effective, Adwords requires substantial website to direct your audience to.

You can’t set up basic page to drive traffic and expect good results.

While Adwords may bring you lots of traffic…

It means nothing if your website doesn’t successfully convert that traffic, whether in the form of sales or completing a capture form.

Next up is banner blindness on Facebook…

While Facebook is definitely a popular platform to market your products or services…

Obviously people become bored if they see the same banner and images.

These are limitations which could adversely affect the performance of your marketing campaign over time.

One way to combat this is to always make sure you regularly rotate your ads and switch up your images…

Did you say limited audience with Adwords search?

While you can target people on Adwords based on their intention, there’s only a certain volume of people doing a particular search…

Yes, on any given day regarding a specific topic or keyword phrases.

Scaling up can be a problem as you’re limited to volume or number of people searching for your product or service.

Remember search is based on a certain day which might restrict the effectiveness of your web marketing campaign.

Facebook ads make it difficult to promote boring topics…

Facebook marketing is primarily driven by excitement!

Which makes it a challenge for businesses engaged in selling products or services people don’t find particularly interesting.

Say you’re selling basketballs; enthusiasts are likely to buy your products simply because it interests them.

If you’re a law firm offering legal assistance for a divorce…

Let’s face it, that can be a problem because it’s a subject people generally don’t find exciting or interesting.

Adwords search ads is restricted to only a few lines of text…

This one’s a biggie…

On Facebook, you can write a novel…

Your ad can be a whole article.

Obviously you need good communication and copywriting skills.

You could hire a good writer to come up with content people find interesting and engaging.

It’s a choice and something you simply can’t do in an Adwords ad.

Oops…now look at the content restrictions on Facebook!

As a reputable social network, Facebook uses lots of restrictions on the type of content shared on their network.

This can be a problem for businesses…

What if you want to promote or delve restricted content such as alcohol, weight loss products and adult-related products?

Sorry…if you’re niche belongs to any of these categories Facebook is definitely not for you.

You cannot use Adwords to split out devices by type…

Adwords does force you to run your ads through a wide range of devices which includes laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc…

This could affect profitability of your advertising campaigns.

Facebook ads allows you the option to only show your ads to an audience using a particular device.

Okay…the cost of Facebook Ads can be affected by seasonality!

Ad expenses can spike significantly depending on the season.

What if there are significant increases on the volume of businesses promoting relevant products on the social network?

This drives up your marketing expenditures compared to Adwords where ad spending remains relatively stable.

So there you have it…

Some of the advantages and disadvantages…

Did you make up your mind?

Is it Facebook Ads or Google Adwords?

One marketing medium is not necessarily better than the other.

And as a matter of fact…

It’s a far better marketing strategy to combine and make use of the two if you’re in a highly competitive market.

You can target people on Facebook which share same interests…

Then drive those people to your website for a much lower cost.

You can apply retargeting using Adwords to maximise your chances of getting those people to buy your product or service.

Yes, this drives your total cost down…

While allowing for an extremely competitive business on the web.

You can target “ready to buy” people first using Adwords…

And re target them using Facebook…

This makes it feel like you’re everywhere.

Either way…

Facebook Ads and Adwords are both excellent marketing mediums.

You need only use based on specific strengths and weaknesses.

Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads

Google Apps For Work

What is Google Apps? 

The best business apps solution you could ever need all for the benefit of your success.

Customers are the life-blood of your business, it sounds cliché yet it’s true.

Your business needs a repeatable system for generating new leads and customers…one which doesn’t break the bank, right?

Business apps and business tools to make your life easier.

What twist can you put on your business to boost growth and performance?

It seems every business owner we speak to feels they need a complicated strategy.

The problem is most of these businesses fear the complexity of online marketing.

So why complicate the strategy?

As a start-up, small business owner or entrepreneur, you’re constantly needing to organize all aspects of daily business…

Dear Savvy Business Owner,

You need the best tools to give you that edge on competition, right?

You want powerful apps all in one place to manage your workflow, track hours worked or software that helps you organize people.

So…finding the best business apps and export tools can be difficult.

It seems we’ve hit a nerve…

Yes, lots of small business,  start-ups, organizations, entrepreneurs and marketers who are tired of struggling are getting organized…

Let’s face it, a unique website customized for your business can be technically challenging.

At the end of the day, if you’re not getting the results you want, typically you need a simple solution.

Almost everyone wants a click button easy solution, because it has nothing to do with your product or service.

Look, it can take a lot of money and time to set-up a successful website and for most of us IT is overwhelming…

Here’s what you should consider before you go out and hire a website designer, SEO consultant or digital agency.

Just a quick question for you…

How has your business changed from last year?

Did you enjoy greater exponential growth or is it kind of stuck?

The key to growing a successful business is getting your business in front of the right audience.

You need to get offers in front of the right group of people who can buy it…

That’s where most people struggle because they don’t have any structure or systems in place to get it organized.

If business tasks aren’t properly prepared and organized it’s simply not going to get done, right?

That’s why the feedback from the Google apps and strategies has been through the roof.

Google apps works effectively with your team and clients…

  • Entrepreneur who work alone
  • Organize and share docs with a team or your clients
  • Google Apps has team logins, custom or branded reports
  • Export tools all tracked
  • Combined power to track via Google analytics

Everything your start-up, small business or organization needs…

Google Apps is a cloud-based, powerful and dynamic productivity suite which helps you and your team communicate efficiently.

Collaborate ideas, get work done from anywhere and on any device.

Google apps is a flexible resource to help you bring a better way of working with people you know.

Get started with ready-to-use templates you can quickly and easily customize as much or as little as you want…click to find out more.

Are you’re probably already aware of the fact, mobile apps have completely changed the business scenario today.

There are billions of new apps being developed everyday and the future has finally evolved…

Why are businesses more than ever using Google Apps?

•         Volume of mobile phones is much higher than PCs
•         Average time spent on mobile Apps is 64%
•         On average, people check their mobile every 6 minutes
•         People use mobile apps 6 times more than websites
•         79% smart-phones users use their mobile to make purchasing decisions
•         50% users make purchase on mobile within 1 hour as compared to 1 month on Desktops
•         73% of business owners use mobile apps daily
•         Business owners also use mobile apps to connect for customer engagement

Google Apps is simple to set up, use and manage, so your business can focus on what really matters.

Millions of organisations around the world count on Google Apps for professional email, file storage, video meetings, online calendars, document editing and more.

Google Apps

Watch a video or find out more here.

Here are some Google Apps benefits with highlights:

Business email for your domain

Looking professional matters and that means communicating as

Gmail’s simple, powerful features help you build your brand while getting more done.

Access from any location or device

Check emails, share files, edit documents, hold video meetings, hangouts and more…

Truly highly cost effective and very flexible solutions whether you’re at work, home or on the go.

You can pick up where you left off from a computer, tablet or phone.

Enterprise-level management tools

Robust admin settings give you total command over users, devices, security and more.

Your data always belongs to you and it goes with you, if you switch solutions.

Google Apps allows you to focus less on IT and more on what you love to do.


Trust you can benefit…as well, especially seeing how easy it is to get more work done.

Thought you’d be interested in trying Google Apps…

If you want success, right now you’re going to get a chance to judge the results for yourself.

Here are some of the top apps and tools you can use to make your life easier…

You can take advantage here, Start free trial

Final point, every hour of every day you delay your decision is costing you more in lost sales and money.

Feel free to get in touch with any questions…

If you haven’t watched the video yet, make sure you set some time today to watch it… Watch a video or find out more here.


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Google Apps for Work